Void contract warlock deck

Sprinkle another card draw engine with Countess Ashmore, and you have a late game deck that carries quite a bit of minion pressure to threaten slower decks much better than a quest reward could. Void Contract Warlock. The crazy doesn’t stop there. How about that Void Contract?

If you have the Warlock quest, there are also some fun Mecha'thun decks you can experiment with. Used in 0.58% of Warlock decks in the past 30 days on our forums! Come discuss Void Contract over in our dedicated Void Contract discussion topic. 5 Feb 2020 The Deck of Quest Warlock Descent of Dragons Galakrond Awakening with additional win condition - Void Contract. This card helps us to  2 Nov 2018 Void Contract is a 8 Mana Cost Epic Warlock Spell card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set! Card Text. Destroy half of each player's deck. Flavor  1 Mar 2020 Void Contract - 8 mana Epic Warlock Spell - Statistics and decks! After summoning, use its effect and send a "Dark Magician" from your deck to the such as "Toon Table of Contents", "Into the Void" and "Allure of Darkness" as 

2 Nov 2018 Hir'eek the Bat is obviously meant to play off of Warlock's new hand-buffing mechanics. It's still peculiar void contract hearthstone. While eight 

The tenth expansion for the card-battling game will add new cards for different classes that players can use to enhance their decks, one of which is a card called “Void Contract” that wipes out Hearthstone Epic Warlock card from Rastakhan. Decks with Void Contract Thanos Warlock! Bloodbloom Void Contract Combo! 15 декабря 2018. 14680 aggro/zoo deck bloodbloom on turn 2, void contract on turn 2, destroys half opponent deck, so would beat certain combo decks lol? Ok, joke post, but seriously, a zoo deck that keeps a 2 card combo that doesn't put any pressure on the board on turn 2? No, as already mentioned, this is the worst and dumbest card that they have ever made.

Find the best Warlock Decks to play right now. These reached high Legend by Pro Players. List is updated daily. Hearthstone-Decks.net.

Void Contract Icon An augmentation cast on the warlock's ally that grants a chance to increase their power and the warlock's power over time when the ally is  8 Nov 2018 Perhaps the most interesting card is the Warlock's Void Contract, which destroys half of both player's decks. Clearly aimed at breaking open the  10 Dec 2018 Warlock. 1. Even Warlock deck list guide (Rastakhan); 2. Zoo Warlock Blood Troll Sapper, Shriek, Void Contract, Hir'eek, the Bat. Demonbolt  3 Dec 2018 Gral, the Shark eats a minion in your deck Blizzard Void Contract - "There is a type of player that wants to watch the world burn and this spell is for that guy. Sharpsword Oil against a Warlock without weapons, that's great. Find the best Warlock Decks to play right now. These reached high Legend by Pro Players. List is updated daily. Hearthstone-Decks.net. 8 Nov 2019 There was a seer in this area, so I'm wondering whether the seer would be able see her soul, or whether they would just see a void. If it matters,  Void Contract is a 8 Mana Cost Epic Warlock Spell card from the Rastakhan's Rumble set! Destroy half of each player's deck.

A highly offensive deck can be very effective to the generally suicidal mechanics of the warlock; generally to counteract the self-harm caused by the warlock spells and hero ability the warlock will have Siphon Soul, Drain Life, different neutral cards and Taunt minions.

If you have the Warlock quest, there are also some fun Mecha'thun decks you can experiment with.

After summoning, use its effect and send a "Dark Magician" from your deck to the such as "Toon Table of Contents", "Into the Void" and "Allure of Darkness" as 

Void Contract is a 8 cost Epic card from the set Rastakhan's Rumble. Fatigue Warlock. by jacob1487 2 weeks, 2 days ago I manage to kill heroic Tekahn by burning half of his second deck - the C'Thun's one - with Void Contract, just a bit after I commented here. You just won't play it against aggro, so a control warlock deck can still kick aggro's butt while shielding themselves against combo. Kind of dumb if u ask me. I just hope it doen't find it's way to zoo as an one off to insta-win against combo Sprinkle another card draw engine with Countess Ashmore, and you have a late game deck that carries quite a bit of minion pressure to threaten slower decks much better than a quest reward could. Void Contract Warlock. The crazy doesn’t stop there. How about that Void Contract?

Used in 1.48% of Warlock decks in the past 30 days Deck Type Statistics Poll: What do you think about this card? Log in with your Curse username to vote in this poll. Come discuss Void Contract over in our dedicated Void Contract discussion topic. Card Text. I tried this deck alot without Godfrey. I have seen others play it and Godfreey seems so key, and yet I don't want ot craft a card that will only be around for 2 months. Of course I crafted a second void contract, and that was most definitely a mistake. The Hypothesis: With two new 8-mana spells in Warlock's arsenal, Spiteful Warlock has a chance at success. Shortcut to Gameplay: 9:29 Decklist: https://www.h This is a Hearthstone guide for Control Warlock, complete with mulligan, strategy, and deck-building advice. Control Warlock is a classic control deck that looks to slow the game down with removal spells, board wipes, and Taunt minions to overpower opponents. Today I have an Archmage Vargoth Control Warlock deck featuring Void contract for Rastakhan's Rumble. Archmage Vargoth is a free legenday everybody will receive when logging in. ### Void Contract Warlock # Class: Warlock # Format: Standard # Year of the Raven # # 2x (2) Baleful Banker # 2x (2) Bloodbloom # 2x (2) Defile # 2x (2) Vulgar Homunculus # 2x (3) Stonehill Defender # 2x (4) Hellfire # 2x (4) Hooked Reaver # 2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone # 2x (4) Shroom Brewer # 2x (5) Arcane Tyrant # 1x (5) Elise the Trailblazer The tenth expansion for the card-battling game will add new cards for different classes that players can use to enhance their decks, one of which is a card called “Void Contract” that wipes out